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The Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA), is a one-year binding agreement signed by a potential new member when ranking chapters after the final round of Preference events during the Primary Recruitment process. Prior to signing the MRABA, PNMs have several options to consider and reflect on with regard to membership options.


A PNM may choose not to complete the MRABA, thereby withdrawing from primary recruitment. If a PNM chooses this option, she is eligible to accept a bid for membership from any sororities participating in Continuous Open Bidding (COB). However not guaranteed, sororities may be able to recruit a limited number of women through the COB process after Primary Recruitment, if their chapter is below Panhellenic Total (i.e. Average Chapter Size). Please see the Continuous Open Bidding tab on our website to learn more information.


A PNM may choose to list any sorority whose preference event she attended and from whom she is willing to accept an invitation to membership (a bid). PNMs should not rank any sorority on her final selection that she is absolutely not willing to accept a bid for membership. If a PNM matches with a sorority that she listed on her MRABA, regardless of whether she accepts the invitation for membership or not, she is bound to that sorority for one calendar year (August 2022-August 2023) and is not eligible participate in COB or accept a bid from another NPC chapter until the next Primary Recruitment period.


A PNM may choose to list only one or two preferences, but she must understand that by choosing to single intentional preference that she is not guaranteed to receive a bid for membership. Only potential new members who maximize their options and list all of the chapters that they attended during the Preference Round are guaranteed to receive a bid for membership, although it may not be their top choice. If a PNM does not receive an invitation to membership (a bid) from any of the sororities that she listed on her MRABA, then she is eligible to participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB). 


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College of Charleston Panhellenic Association

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